Hensure Insurance

Meet the Team

Get in touch

In any industry where the people behind a company are as important as the company itself, it is comforting for you to know that we all are certified in our specific field.

We are not a call centre, but people who take the time to listen and understand your needs. The service that we provide to our clients has been and will continue to be one of our main priorities.

We would like to introduce you to our team here at Hensure.

John Henshall

B.A. (Hons), ACII, Cert CII (FS).
Managing Director

Allen Simpson

BSC (Hons), ACII.

Ross Kelly

MA, Cert CII.
Broking Services Manager

Stephanie Bird

Cert CII.
Account Handler

Rhian Williams

Cert CII
Account handler

Laura Rossman

Account handler

Joe Simon

Cert II
Account Handler

Ready to get covered?

Fill out a quick form and you're on your way to getting effective business insurance.

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Prefer to talk to us?

We're happy to talk to you to answer any query you may have.

Our opening hours are Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm.

Request a call back

R K Henshall & Co Ltd, The Grove, Mill Lane, Wheelock, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 4RD.

Copyright © Hensure | Hensure Business Insurance Consultants is a trading name of RK Henshall & Co Ltd. www.rkhenshall.com. RK Henshall & Co Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration Number: 0308865. Directors: J.R. Henshall B.A.(Hons) ACII Cert CII (FS), A.J.Simpson ACII, A.Brown FCCA. Company Secretary: A.Brown FCCA. www.fca.org.uk. Written quotations, policy terms, conditions and exclusions are available on request. Privacy policy, Cookie policy, Terms, Complaints Procedure, Consumer Duty Statement

Call us today on
01270 758056