Professional indemnity insurance for Asbestos surveyors

Finding the right PI insurance can be tricky. Hensure make it easy.

Why choose Hensure for PI insurance


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Experienced Team

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Our full 24/7 quote and buy facility allows you to run a personalised quotation, at a time that suits you and your business.

Why professional indemnity insurance for Asbestos Surveyors needs careful consideration

Many policies either restrict or exclude Professional Indemnity insurance for Asbestos Surveyors. It is important to seek adequate cover for you and your Employee’s acting on your behalf, for claims arising from what would be deemed to be acts of negligence, errors and omissions in your professional advice.

PI insurance protects your business against claims for loss or damage made by a client or third party if you make mistakes or are found to have been negligent in some or all of the services you provided. It will also cover legal costs.

Work relating to asbestos can normally prove to be a bit of a challenge when seeking insurance, but our aim is to make things easier for you. We can help surveyors involved in Asbestos Management Surveying and/or Refurbishment/ Demolition Asbestos surveys, to obtain excellent cover quickly and at competitive premiums.

When Asbestos materials are damaged or disturbed, they can release dangerous fibres which, if breathed in, can cause serious diseases. Around 4500 people in Great Britain die every year from asbestos related diseases, making asbestos the single greatest cause of work-related deaths.

In order to help to minimise the risks posed by Asbestos, the Government introduced The Control of Asbestos Regulations as part of current legislation. This puts the onus on to the duty holder, who in many cases is the person or organisation that has clear responsibility for the maintenance or repair of non-domestic premises, to find out whether the premises contains asbestos, and, if so, where it is and what condition it is in. If in doubt, materials must be presumed to contain asbestos.

In order to do this, in many cases, an asbestos survey by a suitably qualified person will be required. As the surveyor, your client will rely on you to establish the following points to reduce the risk to them of criminal prosecution for breach of Health & Safety Law.

The key to managing asbestos is to:

  • Identify its location
  • Through laboratory testing identify its type
  • Ascertain its condition
  • Work out how much you have of the material

This can be achieved by carrying out one of the following surveys:

Management Survey (formally type 1 & 2)

The Management Survey purpose is required to manage ACM during the normal occupation and use of premises. The duty-holder can make a Management Survey where the premises are simple and straightforward. Otherwise, a surveyor is needed.

A Management Survey aims to ensure that:

  • Nobody is harmed by the continuing presence of ACM in the premises or equipment.
  • That the ACM remain in good condition.
  • That nobody disturbs it accidently.

The survey must locate ACM that could be damaged or disturbed by normal activities, by foreseeable maintenance, or by installing new equipment. It involves minor intrusion and minor asbestos disturbance to make a Materials Assessment. This shows the ability of ACM, if disturbed, to release fibres into the air. It guides the client, e.g., in prioritising any remedial work.

Refurbishment/ Demolition Survey (formally type 3)

The Refurbishment/ Demolition Survey is required where the premises, or part of it, need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition. The Survey does not need a record of the ACM condition. Under the control of asbestos regulations, it is a requirement that asbestos surveys should only be conducted by a competent person. The definition of a competent person is somebody who has a relevant qualification in relation to asbestos surveying, the most common being a P402 qualification from BOHS (British Occupational Health Survey).

A Refurbishment/ Demolition Survey aims to ensure that:

  • Nobody will be harmed by work on ACM in the premises or equipment.
  • Such work will be done by the right contractor in the right way.

The survey must locate and identify all ACM before any structural work begins at a stated location or on stated equipment at the premises. It involves destructive inspection and asbestos disturbance. The area surveyed must be vacated, and certified ‘fit for reoccupation’ after the survey.

For a proposal form for Professional Indemnity insurance for Asbestos Surveyors please contact our experienced team today or call 01270 758056.

Professional indemnity insurance for Asbestos surveyors, PI insurance cover.

  • Company size – this is the gross annual income of the company and the number of partners/ directors/ employees.
  • Qualifications and experience – insurers may want to see a CV showing the experience that they have had, with a minimum requirement that they have five years’ experience and possibly more depending on the business services offered.
  • Type of work – what will be the split of annual income derived from different disciplines: asbestos management surveys, refurbishment and demolition surveys, air testing and monitoring, asbestos testing only, consultancy, project management etc.
  • Retroactive exposure – does the business have an exposure to claims arising from past work, whether in the current business or a previous company?
  • Overseas exposure – does the practice carry out any work for overseas clients?
  • Claims experience – this is an important factor in the assessment of risk. This information reflects on the type of work carried out by a company. It also reflects the quality of the company’s work, experience, staff and company risk management.

Your professional indemnity policy for Asbestos Surveyors will cover the following areas:

  • Professional negligence of the insured
  • Breach of intellectual property rights
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Dishonesty
  • Loss of documents
  • Libel and slander

Professional Indemnity

  • Professional Indemnity provides cover for claims that arise as a result of the work you have completed or advice you have given.

Public Liability

  • Public Liability provides cover should members of the public receive an injury or property damage due to your work. This protects your business should a compensation claim be made, also covering any legal costs that result from this.

Employers’ Liability

  • Employers’ Liability provides cover for compensation claims and associated legal costs, arising from employee injury or work-related illness.

Cyber Insurance

  • Cyber Insurance provides support in the event of cyber-crime and unintentional data breaches, offering cover against the cost of revenue and fines.

Directors and Officers

  • Directors and Officers insurance policies protect you financially against any claims that are made against you personally in your position as a director, partner or officer of your business.

Legal expenses insurance

  • If you were involved in a legal battle, knowing that any money you spend on legal bills would be reimbursed could make all the difference. Legal expenses insurance does just that. It ensures that your business remains financially stable after a legal case by helping to compensate the business for incurred costs.

Contact us to find out more about the right cover for your business.

Contacted Hensure regarding Public Liability and PI insurance. So glad I did! Rhian was so professional, friendly, and helpful. Definitely recommend anyone to contact them first.

Jackie Skeer, Skeer Building Consultancy Ltd

PI insurance – Everything you need to know

Professional Indemnity Insurance covers legal expenses incurred in defending a claim against you, even if the claim is false. It will also cover the compensation awarded, should they win their case, and the cost of any losses that they incurred as a result of your negligence.

If your business ceases operations, there is still a chance that a claim could be made against you in the future. PI Insurance can provide run-off cover to ensure that these claims are still covered and you are still protected.

You can buy short-term PI Insurance cover, but it comes with a significant risk that must be considered.

Professional Indemnity Insurance works on a claims made basis, meaning that the insurance policy that you hold at the time the claim is made is responsible for the claims and any associated costs. If you cancel the policy after your contract has ended, and a client then makes a claim against you after this time, you do not have any insurance to cover this and will be solely liable.

You must hold insurance at both the time the incident occurs, and the time that the claim is made, to be protected.

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How we’re protecting our clients

Professional indemnity insurance for Asbestos surveyors, PI insurance cover.
Helping a property manager avoid a major premium hike.
professional indemnity insurance for building project managers, PI Insurance.
Significant savings for new groundworks company.
Providing niche cover for a new specialist company.

R K Henshall & Co Ltd, The Grove, Mill Lane, Wheelock, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 4RD.

Copyright © Hensure | Hensure Business Insurance Consultants is a trading name of RK Henshall & Co Ltd. RK Henshall & Co Ltd are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration Number: 0308865. Directors: J.R. Henshall B.A.(Hons) ACII Cert CII (FS), A.J.Simpson ACII, A.Brown FCCA. Company Secretary: A.Brown FCCA. Written quotations, policy terms, conditions and exclusions are available on request. Privacy policy, Cookie policy, Terms, Complaints Procedure, Consumer Duty Statement

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